Training Video Packages
In addition to documentary films, FLTfilms now produces Training Video Packages (TVPs), which can be useful tools to facilitate workshops, seminars and classrooms. Current TVPs focus on the themes of reconciliation, development and cooperation.
Our TVP’s - off-the-shelf workshop tools centered on a DVD containing video dramatisations of conflict-related problems and their possible solutions - appeal to facilitators, trainers and mediators as they provide multi-level access to users through video-based intercactivity.
Workshop participants can explore a range of scenarios and consequences that are embedded in the many outcomes shown in the video dramatisations.
This product will help facilitators run structured workshops in which the video dramatisations will provide the core learning objectives. The TVP’s include supporting text-based material, including explanations of the concepts introduced in the DVD, and case-study explorations. Their main feature is their interactivity, enabling participants to respond to the learning content in a dynamic collaborative environment.
The TVP package includes a DVD and a booklet examining resolutions, their outcomes and consequences.
We are working on developing an interactive online site for the exchange of ideas, suggestions and questions from facilitators and participants, to encourage dialogue.
Conflict Begets Conflict
Reactionary response to conflict leads to escalation of conflict … often driven by emotion and perceived threat – real or unreal.
Deeper feelings of rejection, denial, pride, ownership and ego surface when conflict occurs.
Alliances are quickly formed. Threads of ‘wrongdoing’ are woven together and ‘grouping’ occurs.
Our TVP’s training video packages aim to help train minds to search for and realize constructive, long term outcomes as opposed to destructive, short term reactions which lead to escalation of conflict.
The exercises contained in our TVP’s are intended to germinate lateral thinking in the minds of participants when confronted with conflict, engaging their creativity to find the best resolution for all. This will enable them to search positive alternatives so that their ‘automatic default’ will be to seek and explore positive outcomes.