FLTfilms makes documentary films which explore the ethical
and spiritual dimensions of contemporary
Recent films have focussed on:
- inter-religious dialogue and cross-cultural encounter
- reconciliation and conflict resolution
- social and cultural renewal after war

FLTfilms is part of the charity
The Oxford Group/Initiatives of Change (Reg. UK Charity No. 226334). We depend on donations and sponsorship to make our films.
If you would like to support our work you may do so by credit card,
cheque or debit card.
All gifts welcome
Donation form
Donors in the UK can apply
for Gift Aid for donations
Gift Aid Form UK
FLTfilms is a not-for-profit
trading company, administered as an
autonomous division of
Initiatives of Change/The Oxford
It makes and disseminates documentary films
which explore faith-based approaches to reconciliation and
peace-building, social renewal after war, economic development
and environmental protection.
Co-Directors: Dr Alan Channer and Dr
Imad Karam
Founder: David Channer
Over a period of almost 50 years, FLTfilms
has established itself as a world-class documentary film unit
specialising in films which foster reconciliation and
David Channer, the founder of FLTfilms,
died in September 2006. (Obituary
in 'The Independent' newspaper).
Dr Alan Channer joined FLTfilms in 1994, after 6 years as a
research scientist including 2 years of field work in China,
Malawi, Tuvalu and Zimbabwe. As a Director/Producer with
FLTfilms, Alan has developed a specialisation on themes
involving inter-cultural understanding
Dr Imad Karam, a Palestinian film-maker and academic, joined FLTfilms in April 2004. Imad has worked on the production of The Imam and the Pastor and An African Answer documentary films as well as several training videos.